
Monthly Challange

Monthly Challenge is

Tuesday 20 January 2015

"Team B" with "Sassy Studio Designs" and "Digital Paper Crafts"

Hello everyone, Valou & Sian here with Team B's new challenge.Before we get started on this weeks challenge lets get the Winner's and Top 3 announced

Congratulations to you all, can the winner please email us at and remember to grab your blog badges.

And don't forget there is still time to enter the first of our monthly challenges that started on 1st of the month and you can find it at the top of the page

We have a few changes to the Challenge Blog this year. we have some amazing new sponsors and also we have decided to drop the inspirational photo and hope that you will be just as inspired by our talented Design teams cards.

So on with our new challenge and the theme is


We are sponsored this time by:
"Sassy Studio Designs"
 Who is giving a prize of 4 images to the winner

"Digital Paper Crafts"
Who is giving a prize of 3 images to the winner

So lets see what Teams have done for this challenge:

Who has used the image Sweet As Holiday Pie by Sassy Studio Designs.

Who has used the image  Large Pin-Up Sassy by Sassy Studio Designs.

Who has used the image  Rapunzel Sassy by Sassy Studio Designs.

Who has used the image  Butterfly Effie Portrait by Sassy Studio Designs.

Who has used the image  Butterfly Effie Portrait by Sassy Studio Designs.

 Who has used the image  Butterfly Effie Portrait by Sassy Studio Designs.

 Who has used the image  Butterfly Effie Portrait by Sassy Studio Designs.

 Who has used the image  Bella Bride Sassy by Sassy Studio Designs.

 Who has used the image  Birthday Cake Sassy by Sassy Studio Designs.


DonnaMundinger said...

Oh Yea! I'm a winner! WooHoo! Will be emailing you in a jiff and thank you so much! Congrats to the other winners as well. Love the new DT samples. Hope to join in again this time. xxD

Lucy Patrick said...

Oh wow, I am so excited to see I have won the DillyBeans prize, I love their images! Congrats to all the winners, XOX Lucy

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

CraftyGirl said...

Lovely Challenge and inspiration! Thank you so much for having a challenge blog for everyone to play at! :-)

