
Monthly Challange

Monthly Challenge is

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Giveway for my Daughter

Coucou tout le monde!

Hello everybody!

Aujourd'hui, c'est un poste un peu spécial sur mon blog.

Today, it is a little bit special post on my blog.

Voici une petite explication:

This is a little explanation:

"Comme beaucoup d'entre-vous le savez, j'ai 5 enfants dont une petite fille de 5 ans, Katlynn. Depuis 9 semaines maintenant, elle est malade. Elle a commencé par une grippe, puis une semaine après, une angine et enfin, 5 jours après la fin de son traitement antibiotique, une seconde angine. Après deux nouvelles bouteilles d'antibiotique à prendre, elle a continué à avoir de la fièvre. Le 12 avril, notre médecin a décidé de lui faire une grosse prise de sang et une analyse d'urines. Les résultats de ces analyses nous montrent qu'elle a une mononucléose, un cytomégalovirus, une hépatite virale et une infection urinaire. Cela fait 9 semaines qu'elle tombe sans arrêt malade. Début de semaine passée, nous avons dû nous rendre chez un pédiatre qui, après avoir vu les résultats d'analyses et l'avoir auscultée, a décidé de l'hospitaliser. Elle sera écartée pendant encore trois semaines si tout va bien."

" As many of you know it, I have 5 children among whom a 5-year-old girl, Katlynn. For 9 weeks now, she is sick. She began with a flu, then one week later, a pharyngitis and finally, 5 days after the end of her treatment antibiotic, a second pharyngitis. After two new bottles of antibiotic to be taken, she continued to have a temperature. On April 12th, our doctor decided to make her a big blood test and an urine test. The results of these analyses show us that she has a mononucléose, a cytomégalovirus, a viral hepatitis and an infection urinaire. It has been 9 weeks since she non-stop falls ill. At the beginning of last week, we had to go to a paediatrician's who, having seen the results of analyses and having sounded her, decided to hospitalize her. She will be spread during another three weeks if everything is well. "

Afin de lui remonter le moral, une de mes amie m'a donné l'idée de vous proposer un petit "Blog Candy".

To go back up to her the morale, one of my friend gave me the idea to propose you a small " Giveway ".

En effet, voici ce que je vous propose:

- Partager le badge de ce blog candy dans la barre latérale de votre blog.
- Partager l'info sur votre blog.
- Envoyer une carte à ma petite fille. Si vous désirez participer, envoyez-moi un mail à et je vous fournirai notre adresse.
- Soyez un suiveur de mon blog.

Indeed, here is what I propose you:

- Share the badge of this blog candy in the lateral bar of your blog.
- Share the info on your blog.
- Send a card to my girl. If you wish to participate, send me a mail in and I shall supply you our address.
- Be a follower of my blog.

Ce blog candy est ouvert jusqu'au 31 mai. Le 31 mai, Katlynn tirera au sort la gagnante.

This blog candy is opened until May 31st. On May 31st, Katlynn will draw lots the winner.

La gagnante remportera un lot de matériel surprise.

The winner will win a prize of material surprise.

Si vous êtes nombreux à participer, un second gagnant sera tiré au sort également.

If you are numerous to participate, a second winner will also be drawn lots.

En espérant vous voir nombreux à participer, je vous remercie et vous souhaite une excellente journée!

By hoping to see you numerous to participate, I thank you and wish you an excellent day!


Robin said...

I am so sorry to hear of her illness. I would love to send her out a card. I just did a get well card perfect for a little one. I would also ask if it is ok to add her to a prayer list. If this is ok with you and to get your address please email me at Please know that my prayers will be with her and I will share this for others to pray for her as well. Lots of hugs for you both, Robin

Debbie Adams said...

I am sorry to hear your little one is ill. I would like to send her a card my email address is I just started following you and will be sharing your info on my blog. My prayers are with you and family during this time.
Many hugs,

Unknown said...

Oh your daughter is so adorable. I pray that she gets better soon.

Vicki Dutcher said...

You have a gorgeous daughter! Sending prayers you way!!

Wendy L said...

Gosh this illness sound awful, going on for so long too, xxxx

Nikki said...

I'd be happy to send her a card.
Sent you an email and thought I was following you all fixed now
hugs Nikki

Jan said...

I pray your little one is soon 100% better. Get well soon little one xx Jan